Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Blog

I am not much of a blogger and have fallen a bit behind, but here it goes for my first blog! My first blog will be a presentation of my thesis 2 class projects to date. I know, boring, but once I get more comfortable with blogging I will update with more interesting topics.

Project 01: Spatial Investigations: Collage and Montage

The first drafts were an exploration in the concepts of Passage of Time, Color, and Infinite Space. After viewing examples from past students, I noticed the common approach to the project were to find a location, take multiple pictures of the same scene from different angle and perspectives and put the pictures together to recreate the scene in an abstract way. This was not the approach I wanted to take. Instead I wanted to represent the terms I chose as a concept that have been graphically abstracted, not visually abstract. I felt the concept was more important that the artistic abstraction itself (It also did not help that I am not very good at artistic abstraction). Anyways here are some of my first draft iterations:


Infinite Space

After feedback from my peers and exploring the revised collage's, I arrived at these:

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