Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Initial Thesis Program

Moving on to the programatic space of this thesis project, I decided to focus on the connection the spaces would create and the importance of those spaces rather than the spatial massing and dimensions. The connection made between culture and the process of interaction is outlined as spatial compositions highlighted in blue. The strands of words connecting those spaces include the spatial uses, experiences, and meanings behind the spaces.

The initial diagram outlining the concept of spatial program follows as such:

The second iteration takes those spaces and ideas and organizes them in a way that responds to the spaces importance, size, meaning, and use. Those spaces with a higher level of use are represented in a typology with a larger and bolder font. This diagram explores more to which space has a greater importance to the process of cultural interactions. The open gap in the diagram represents the void of the program that needs to be filled by the occupant. Even though it is negative space is this diagram, it stands out making it equally vital to the importance of this thesis. Without the diversity of the occupant, the spaces' meaning is drastically changed.

The updated thesis and typology of program presented above is further described a new descriptive abstract:

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