Creative Needs

"Things I Cannot Live Without"

This page is dedicated to things that are important to me that affect my creativity. The following ideas are what I feel are vital for my Creative Process. Images I myself have not photographed are labeled in a Light Grey above the image. More images representing these ideas and new ideas will be added throughout the year.


An understanding of whatever you are trying to portray I feel is important to the creative process

MIT Chapel

Materiality can be a foundation in expression of aesthetic vernaculars


Creativity takes courage and requires feeling; a moment of inspiring expression


The view is sweetened by the knowledge of what you have sacrificed to see it


Creating an experience is best achieved if you yourself have experienced it

Hand's of the Peasants - Leonardo Da Vinci

"Climb Mount Fugi, O Snail - But slowly, slowly" ~ Unknown


Feedback from your peers, and yourself, is important to the development of the creative process


Without a system of support, creativity can be difficult to express